Stay protected, check symptoms, find a testing site, get care, view visitor guidelines, and more at AHN.
To help slow the spread of the virus and keep our patients and staff as safe as possible, this often means limiting visitors in our hospitals and facilities or eliminating in-person events. For our latest guidelines, please closely review the information below.
All guidelines below are current and take the place of any previously published patient and visitor information at all AHN hospitals, facilities, and offices.
Patients and visitors are not required to wear a mask in AHN facilities. Masking is
optional and encouraged for those who are at high risk or who care for
someone who is at high risk. We’ll continue to have masks available to
patients and visitors.
Visit AHN Visitation Hours and Policies for the latest updates.
AHN continues to move forward in a careful and structured manner to offer elective surgeries to our patients.
Virtual instruction is being offered for all AHN classes and many events have been moved to a virtual setting. We will continue to monitor the pandemic closely and only hold in-person gatherings when we feel it is safe.
Stay protected, check symptoms, find a testing site, get care, view visitor guidelines, and more at AHN.
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