Our People


We recruit a diverse and well-rounded group of residents, with a mix of backgrounds and life experiences.  We specifically look for a sense of teamwork and camaraderie in our residency candidates.

Our residents enjoy a family-oriented learning environment, where each and every anesthesiology resident becomes a part of the West Penn and Allegheny General “families.”

The size of the program allows for the faculty to get to know each resident, so faculty can personalize the resident’s individual learning, based on the learner's individual strengths, challenges, and interests.


The success of our Anesthesiology Residency Training Program is reflected in the careers of our graduates.  Graduates of the program are highly successful in securing competitive fellowship training positions, university faculty appointments, and positions in private practice.

Our graduates have an outstanding record of meeting the requirements for board certification in anesthesiology, through passing the written and practical examinations.


We have diverse, talented, experienced faculty with extensive fellowship training and board certification in all subspecialties of anesthesiology. The faculty is highly clinically oriented, so resident education and training is a priority.

The faculty is instrumental in aiding CA-3 residents in securing desired post-graduate positions through key contacts and reputation among anesthesiologists nationwide.  

We require a personal interview of each anesthesiology applicant.  This gives the applicant an opportunity to meet our faculty and to interact with residents currently in the program.