Any patient who wishes to request care without the use of blood transfusion may do so. For some individuals the decision to decline transfusion stems from a strongly-held religious belief, while for others it may be a desire to avoid potential health risks. Bloodless medicine provides high-quality medical and surgical care to patients for whom transfusion is not an option.
Allegheny Health Network has extensive experience in blood conservation and transfusion avoidance. Our bloodless medicine program was established initially at Allegheny General Hospital on Pittsburgh’s north side in 1998, and consultation services are now available at all of the AHN hospitals.
Patient Blood Management incorporates the principles of conservation into the care of all of our patients and seeks to improve health outcomes and lower costs through the use of evidence-based, patient blood management principles.
Allegheny Health Network recognizes the need for a multi-disciplinary team approach to Bloodless Medicine and Surgery. Instead of just individual physicians working with patients, a coordinated approach is established.
The Bloodless Medicine Patient Coordination Team makes sure that your wishes are clearly understood by all members of the medical staff. They serve as a resource to the staff both in understanding your wishes and in coordinating with physicians and services in the hospital so as to meet your needs.
The coordinators serve as a valuable resource to the medical team and serve as your personal advocate for receiving bloodless care. The Bloodless Medicine Service can help you find experienced physicians to meet your needs.
Erin Suydam, MD, is the medical director for the Allegheny Health Network Bloodless Medicine & Patient Blood Management program. The program benefits from the expertise of a large multi-disciplinary team, with leadership provided by Dr. Suydam and the physicians of the AGH Trauma Service.
Over time a Bloodless Medicine program impacts the culture of an institution. As the hospital staff meets the challenges of caring for patients who decline transfusion, they begin to take pride in their ability to provide a higher level of care for these patients, creating a welcoming atmosphere. Appreciative patients reinforce this cycle. Patients receiving care in a mature Bloodless Medicine program often note that the way their needs are met surpasses their expectations.
Call (412) 359-8787 to learn more about Bloodless Medicine at AHN.