Get answers to frequently asked questions about independent physician referrals to AHN specialists using the Physician Access search tool and custom referral processes.

Independent Physician Referral FAQs
Refer your patient with Physician Access
What is Physician Access?
Our online tool provides access to our AHN specialist database. Referring physicians can search by AHN specialist name, expertise, or specialty. They can review AHN specialists’ expertise and location and make a patient referral — all in one place.
How does Physician Access help me make a patient referral?
Physician Access lets you:
- Search more than 1,300 AHN physicians across 60 specialties throughout our coverage area. Search by:
- Specialty
- Name
- Location
- Schedule an appointment with the chosen specialist.
- Notify AHN’s Care Connect team to contact your patient directly to schedule a visit.
- Locate active clinical trials.
- Track your patient’s care through EpicCare® LinkTM.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There are two referral types you shouldn’t make through Physician Access. In the cases below, use the following specific referral steps.
- Refer a patient for Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT).
- Assist a cancer patient with a Second Opinion Request.
Why can't I find the specialist I am looking for?
Every specialist we can set up appointments for should be findable within Physician Access. If you can’t find the AHN specialist you’re looking for:
- Make sure you spelled their last name correctly and try again.
- Try a search by their specialty or expertise and review the search results.
- Call the Physician Access Center at 1 (844) MD-REFER (1-844-637-3337) to verify the specialist’s availability and complete a referral.
The Physician Access Center is available weekdays from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM and on weekends from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
In search results for a particular area of expertise, I see profiles that don't have the expertise I'm looking for. Why is their profile in my search results?
While many of our specialists have more than three areas of expertise, we can only display three specialties on their results card. Tap their profile card to view all areas of expertise below their photograph.
How do I find all locations for a particular specialist?
When you select a specialist on the Physician Access website, a map will appear with markers indicating where they practice. You can find the street address for practice locations beneath the specialist’s list of expertise.
How do I find all specialists at a particular location?
Many of our specialists’ prime locations are at or near AHN hospitals. Select the Location icon on the map to get a list displaying the number of specialists who practice there. Scroll or swipe to view each specialist. To return to the search list from the locations map view, select the list icon at the top right corner of the green title bar.
What happens after I make the referral for my patient? How do I follow up on their test results, diagnosis, or care and treatment plan?
EpicCare Link lets you keep track of your patients’ care after completing their referral to an AHN specialist. Use EpicCare Link to:
- Access your patient’s full AHN medical record.
- Send and receive messages directly with specialists.
- Get real-time notifications and updates on your patients, including test results, hospital admissions, discharge summaries, and more.
Read our Patient Follow-Up FAQs to learn more about EpicCare Link, how to set up an account, and additional support resources.
Where can I get additional assistance?
Call the Physician Access Center at 1 (844) MD-REFER (1-844-637-3337) to verify a specialist’s availability and complete a referral.
The Physician Access Center is available weekdays from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM and on weekends from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
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Get our current continuing medical education schedule, find AHN locations, learn about active clinical trials, and see the latest AHN innovations.