
Fellow pointing at research posters

Nephrology fellows will have the opportunity to design, implement and complete clinical research projects during their fellowship. They will acquire the skills and knowledge to conduct ethical clinical research introduced to research design, statistics, interpretation of research studies, and critical review of the literature.

Fellows present their research each year at national meetings such as the National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings, American Transplant Congress, and the American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week. Fellows also have the opportunity to present their work locally at institutional conferences such as the annual Graduate Medical Education Patient Safety and Performance Improvement Research Challenge and the Department of Medicine Research Day Poster Competition. 


Fellow standing in front of research poster

Division of Nephrology presentations/abstracts/posters






Sureshkumar KK, Chopra B. Impact of donor ethnicity on long term kidney transplant outcomes: Analysis by KDPI categories. Exp Clin Transplant;18(2): 144-48, 2020.

Sureshkumar KK, Chopra B, Josephson MA, Shah PB, McGill RL. Recipient obesity and kidney transplant outcomes: A paired kidney analysis. Submitted to Am J Kidney Dis, May 2020.

Hussain SM, Tabar K, Krupa K, Sureshkumar KK: Successful kidney transplantation in atypical HUS utilizing a unique immunosuppression strategy. Submitted to BMJ Case Reports, July 2020 

Sureshkumar KK, Chopra B. Impact of kidney transplant type and previous transplant on baseline Donor-derived cell free DNA.  American Transplant Congress June 2020, Philadelphia, PA, Am J Transplant; 20(S3): C-334, 2020.(Poster)

Sureshkumar KK, Chopra B. Patterns of donor derived-cell free DNA levels in kidney transplant recipients: Analysis by type of rejection: Accepted to 28th International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Seoul, South Korea, Sept 2020

Yokota S, Chopra B, Uemura T, Thai NL, Sureshkumar KK. Use of high kidney donor profile index (≥85%) kidneys for transplantation with improved outcomes. Submitted to ASN Kidney week 2020, October 2020, Denver, CO

Sureshkumar KK, Chopra B, McGill RL. Impact of ethnicity matching on kidney transplant outcomes among African Americans: A mate kidney analysis. Submitted to ASN Kidney week 2020, October 2020, Denver, CO

Muaddi L, Sureshkumar K, Chopra B. Unexplained persistent hypercalcemia post liver transplantation. Submitted to ASN Kidney week 2020, October 2020, Denver, CO

Sharma A, Sureshkumar KK, Chopra. Hypercalcemia secondary to hyperthyroidism: A unique cause of renal failure in a kidney donor. Submitted to ASN Kidney week 2020, October 2020, Denver, CO

Andrea TM, Chopra B, Hussain SM, Sureshkumar KK. COVID-19 infection in kidney transplant recipients: A single center experience. Submitted to ASN Kidney week 2020, October 2020, Denver, CO

Aramada H, Chopra B, Sureshkumar KK. Impact of body mass index on baseline donor derived cell free DNA in kidney transplant recipients. Submitted to ASN Kidney week 2020, October 2020, Denver, CO


Arora S, Kipp G, Bhanot N, Sureshkumar KK: Vaccinations in kidney transplant recipients: Clearing the muddy waters World Journal of Transplantation; 9(1): 1-13, 2019.

Velliyattikuzhi, SM, Ma K, Bihler EJ, Sureshkumar KK, Cheema T. Acute kidney injury in the context of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Crit Care Nurs Q; 42(4):362-370, 2019.

Sureshkumar KK, Chopra B. Does induction type influence outcomes in kidney transplant recipients at different phases of hepatitis B Infection? Experimental and Clinical Transplantation; 17(4):457-60,2019.

Sureshkumar KK, Thai NL, Chopra B. Kidney transplantation in older recipients with HLA-DR mismatch: Impact of induction type on outcomes. American Transplant Congress, June 2019, Boston, MA [B193](Poster)

Sambharia M, Sureshkumar KK, Chopra B. Complete resolution of Hepatitis C- associated MPGN with direct acting anti-viral agents in a Renal Allograft. NKF Spring Clinical Meeting, May 2019, Boston, MA [#164] (Poster)

Zahid S, Sureshkumar KK. Urogenital cancer associated kidney diseases: Beware of zebras. NKF Spring Clinical Meeting, May 2019, Boston, MA [#183](Poster)

Aramada H, Kipp G, Rancerello M, Olenzac S, Sureshkumar KK, Chopra B. Successful treatment of calcineurin inhibitor related psychosis in a kidney transplant recipient by switching to belatacept. NKF Spring Clinical Meeting, May 2019, Boston, MA [#55] (Poster)

Chopra B, Sureshkumar KK. Kidney transplantation in females: Impact of living donor relationship on the outcomes. ASN Kidney Week, Nov 2019, Washington, DC [TH-PO1169] (Poster)

Aramada H, Sureshkumar KK, Chopra B. A unique case of Hyponatremia. ASN Kidney Week, Nov 2019, Washington, DC [FR-PO681] (Poster)

Zahid S, Krupa K, Tabar KR, Sureshkumar K, Hussain S. A unique immunosuppression strategy in a patient with atypical HUS undergoing renal transplant. ASN Kidney Week, Nov 2019, Washington, DC [SA-PO1130] (Poster)

Sambharia M, Sureshkumar KK, Zahid S, Chopra B. Donor derived cell-free DNA positivity - Does it always denote allograft rejection? ASN Kidney Week, Nov 2019, Washington, DC [SA-PO1133] (Poster)


“Does Induction Type Influence Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients at Different Phases of Hepatitis B Infection?”
Kalathil Sureshkumar MD, Bhavna Chopra MD
Published in Experimental and Clinical Transplantation; July 2018

“Kidney Transplantation in Older Recipients: Preemptive High KDPI Kidney vs Lower KDPI Kidney after Varying Dialysis Vintage”
Bhavna Chopra MD, Sabiha Hussain MD
Presented June 2018 at American Transplant Congress; Seattle, WA

Kalathil Sureshkumar MD
Accepted May 2018 for presentation at 55th ERA-EDTA Congress; Copenhagen, Denmark

Mohammad Wisam Baqdunes MD, Dipesh Maan MD, Syed Yasin MD, Khaled Nashar MD, Barbra Clark MD
Presented April 2018 at NKF Spring Clinical Meeting; Austin, TX

Syed Yasin MD, Mohammad Wisam Baqdunes MD, Kalathil Sureshkumar MD
Presented April 2018 at NKF Spring Clinical Meeting; Austin, TX

“Unmeasurable severe hypernatremia: A different way of using the calculated serum osmolality formula”
Aravindhan Arumugarajah DO, Christopher Webster DO, Luis Ortega MD
Published in Nefrología; April 2018

“Refining the Role of Simultaneous Liver Kidney Transplantation”
Kalathil Sureshkumar MD, Sabiha Hussain MD
Published in Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology; March 2018


“Diagnosing a missed diagnosis”
Reilly J. B, Webster C
AHRQ WebM&M; April, 2017

Aravindhan Arumugarajah, DO; Luis Ortega
Presented April 2017 at National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meeting; Orlando, FL

“Is Idiopathic Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephris Truly idiopathic?”
Dipesh Maan MD, Jennifer Sheyman DO, Vinai Kumar Katragadda MD, Swati Arora MD. Presented April 2017 at National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meeting; Orlando, FL

Sreejith Velliyattikuzhi, Vinai Katragadda, Kalathil K Sureshkumar. Presented April 2017 at National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meeting; Orlando, FL

Swathi Lavudi, MD, Christopher Webster, DO, Saleha Rizwan, MD, Alyson Malarkey, DO, James Reilly, MD, Tina Ko , DO. Presented April 2017 at National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meeting; Orlando, FL.

“Role of Induction Therapy in Low Immune Risk Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Mate Kidney Analysis” Marcelo Sampaio, MD, Kalathil Sureshkumar, MD Presented In May 2017 at American Transplant Congress; Chicago, IL.


“Positive Cross-Match is not a Barrier for Successful Combined Liver-Kidney Transplantation”
Vinai Katragadda, M.D., Kalathil K. Sureshkumar, M.D.
Presented April 2016 at National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings; Boston, MA.

“Parathyroid Hormone Improvement after Implementation of Mineral Bone Disease Rounds in the Dialysis Unit: A Quality Improvement Initiative”
Jennifer Sheyman, D.O., Vinai Katragadda, M.D., Barbara A. Clark, M.D.
Presented in April 2016 at GME Patient Safety/Quality Improvement Resident Research Challenge and April 2016 at National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings; Boston, MA.

“Acute Kidney Injury in the Setting of Warfarin Toxicity”
Jennifer Sheyman, D.O., Amr Habbach, M.D., Sala Siddiqui, M.D., Kalathil Sureshkumar, M.D., Swati Arora, M.D.
Presented April 2016 at National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings; Boston, MA.

“Gordon's Syndrome of Pseudohypoaldosteronism Type II: A Case Report”
Christopher Webster, D.O., Sabiha Hussain, M.D.
Presented in April 2016 at National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings; Boston, MA.

“Clinical Measures to Reduce Early Urinary Tract Infections Following Kidney Transplantation: A Single Center Experience”
Bhavna Chopra, M.D., Tina Y. Ko, D.O, Christopher Webster, D.O., Jennifer Sheyman, D.O., Aravindhan Arumugarajah, D.O., Vinai Katragadda, M.D., Richard J. Marcus, M.D., Kalathil K. Sureshkumar, M.D. Presented June 2016 at American Transplant Congress; Boston, MA.

Update on kidney transplantation in human immunodeficiency virus infected recipients
Nashar K, Sureshkumar KK.
World J Nephrol. 2016 Jul 6;5(4):300-7.

“Rasburicase for Tumor Lysis Syndrome”
Vishwanathan S, Arumugarajah A, Ortega LM, Bousamra A
American Journal of Therapeutics; August, 2016

Common chronic conditions do not affect performance of cell cycle arrest biomarkers for risk stratification of acute kidney injury.
Heung M, Ortega LM, Chawla LS, Wunderink RG, Self WH, Koyner JL, Shi J, Kellum JA; Sapphire and Topaz Investigators.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2016 Oct;31(10):1633-40. Epub 2016 Jun 23.

“Loop Mediated Amplification Assay Versus Culture for Detection of Escherichia Coli in Urine: A Single Center Pilot Study”
Vinai Kumar Katragadda, M.D., Aravindhan Arumugarajah, D.O., Jennifer Sheyman, D.O., Christopher J. Webster, D.O., Kalathil K. Sureshkumar, M.D., Richard J. Marcus, M.D., Abhay N. Vats, M.D., Michelangelo Di Giuseppe, M.D., Swati Arora, M.D. Presented November 2016 at American Society of Nephrology’s Kidney Week; Chicago, IL.


Changing organ allocation policy for kidney transplantation in the United States.'
Chopra B, Sureshkumar KK
World J Transplant. 2015 Jun24; 5(2):38-43

Crystal-induced acute kidney injury due to ciprofloxacin.
Ortega LM, Harmouch I, Nayer A
J Nephropathol. 2015 Jan; 4(1):29-31

Successful Treatment of Post-Transplant Collapsing Glomerulopathy with a Rituximab Regimen.
Davda G, Chopra B, Hussain SM, Nashar K, Ko TY, Jasnosz KM, Sureshkumar KK:
National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings(Mar 25-29) : Dallas, TX, 2015.

Successful Treatment of Atypical HUS in a Kidney Transplant Recipient with Eculizumab and Belatacept. Zhang J, Hussain SM, Chopra B, Ko TY, Kaplan R, Jasnosz KM, Sureshkumar KK: National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings(Mar 25-29) : Dallas, TX, 2015.

De Novo Proliferative Glomerulonephritis with Monoclonal IgG Deposits in a Kidney Allograft - a Case Report.
Sedki E, Hussain SM, Jasnosz KM, Sureshkumar KK: National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings(Mar 25-29) : Dallas, TX, 2015.

Does Induction Type Influence Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients at Different Phases of Hepatitis B Infection?
Sureshkumar KK, Marcus RJ, Chopra B: American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting(Nov 3-8) : San Diego, CA, 2015.

Human Leukocyte Antigen Mismatch and Steroid Maintenance in Kidney Transplantation. 2015. Sureshkumar KK, Marcus RJ, Chopra B:

Does Hepatitis B Virus Impact the Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients? Analysis by Phases of Infection.Chopra B, Arora S, Marcus RJ, Hussain SM, Nashar K, Ko TY, Sureshkumar KK: American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting(Nov 3-8) : San Diego, CA, 2015.

Heung M, Ortega LM, Chawla LS, Kellum JA: Common Chronic Comorbid Conditions Do Not Affect Performance of Cell Cycle Arrest Biomarkers for Risk Stratification of Acute Kidney Injury. The 20th International Conference on Advances in Critical Care Nephrology AKI CRRT 2015(February 17-20) : San Diego, CA, 2015.

Arora S, Marcus RJ, Nashar K, Chopra B, Zhang J, Davda G, Sedki E, Reilly JB,Sureshkumar KK: ABCD of CKD Management Among Internal Medicine Residents: Are Interactive Workshops and Web-based Tools Useful?. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week(Nov 3-8) : San Diego, CA, 2015.


Outcomes of paired-exchange live-donor kidney transplantation: a single-center experience.
Bhargava A, Arora S, Marcus RJ, Sureshkumar KK
Transplant Proc. 2014 Dec; 46(10):3420-2

Alemtuzumab induction and antibody-mediated rejection in kidney transplantation.
Noureldeen T, Albekioni Z, Machado L, Muddana N, Marcus RJ, Hussain SM, Sureshkumar KK
Transplant Proc. 2014 Dec; 46(10):3405-07

Contrast-induced nephropathy: pathogenesis and new therapeutic options for prevention.
Ortega LM, Harmouch I, Nayer A.
Am J Ther. 2014 Dec 2 [Epub ahead of print]

Necrotizing crescentic glomerulonephritis in a patient with positive serologies for lupus and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies.
Bhargava A, Ortega LM, Nayer A, Burguera V, Jasnosz K
Nefrologia. 2014 Sep 26; 34(5):678-81

Use of Extracorporeal Techniques in the Removal of Dabigatran.
Muddan N, Thuyanh C, Nayer A, Nashar K, Ortega LM
Am J Ther. 2014 Jul 1 [Epub ahead of print]

Effect of allopurinol on slowing allograft functional decline in kidney transplant recipients.
Osadchuk L, Bashir MH, Tangirala B, Marcus RJ, Nashar K, Hussain SM, Sureshkumar KK
Exp Clin Transplant. 2014 Jun; (1293):190-4.