Rheumatology Fellowship Program

Program Director: Michael Lucke, MD
Accreditation: ACGME
Program Length: 2 years (PGY4-5)
Fellows per year: 2

Quick guide to Rheumatology Fellowship

Application Information

About the program

Director’s statement

Welcome to the AHN Rheumatology Fellowship Program’s website. We are an ACGME-accredited two-year rheumatology training program dedicated to exceptional clinical and educational experiences for fellows. We recruit trainees through ERAS and the NRMP Match, accepting two new fellows each year. The program is dedicated to training fellows to attain the professional, cognitive, research, and technical skills necessary to provide superior, high quality, and compassionate patient care in the subspecialty of rheumatology.

Our health network has a longstanding tradition of and commitment to excellence in patient care and graduate medical education. Inpatient rotations take place at Allegheny General Hospital (AGH) and West Penn Hospital (WPH). AGH is a major referral center for the Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio regions, offering a wide array of medical and surgical specialties. WPH houses the nationally recognized Lupus Center of Excellence and the multidisciplinary Autoimmunity Institute. We are proud to serve as a clinical campus for medical students from Drexel, LECOM, and Temple University.

An active program of scholastic activity and clinical research ensures that fellows complete their training prepared to excel. Elective blocks in radiology, orthopedics, and pathology complement the core rheumatology and research rotations. A comprehensive conference schedule incorporates rheumatology grand rounds, a core curriculum series, multi-specialty conferences, and journal clubs.

We thank you for your interest in our program.

Michael Lucke, MD
Program Director, Rheumatology Fellowship

About Graduate Medical Education

The Rheumatology Fellowship program is part of the Graduate Medical Education (GME) opportunities offered by the AHN Medical Education Consortium. Learn more about Graduate Medical Education.

Contact us

Cynthia Salopek

Program Coordinator

Allegheny General Hospital
Rheumatology Fellowship Program
320 East North Avenue, 7th floor, South Tower
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

(412) 359-8109

Fax: (412) 359-4983


For all patient-related calls, please call (855) 261-2345.