AHN believes every patient deserves – and should always receive – safe, injury-free care. Our transparent pursuit of patient safety is at the core of our Patient Safety Program. SEE: 11 Tenets of a Safety Culture Infographic.
Our commitment can be seen in the work we do to prevent patient falls, administer medications without error, and ensure safety during surgery. Our employees are empowered to proactively speak up about potential safety concern and document those concerns in AHN’s safety incident reporting system. And hospital leaders regularly meet with front-line for employees to discuss process improvement, elevate important issues, and brainstorm innovative patient-care ideas.
The National Patient Safety Goals from The Joint Commission help shape additional initiatives to improve staff communication and strengthen alarm safety. Finally, we partner with our communities through Patient Family Advisory Councils and various Patient Safety committees to ensure that patient voices are heard.
The work outlined above is just a small portion of the work we do every day to keep our patients safe and continuously improve patient care.