ATI-TEAS and Fundamentals of Nursing Testing Procedures

The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is a standardized, multiple choice entrance exam for students applying to U.S.-based nursing programs. The results help determine how prepared you are for the program’s coursework. Learn about when and how to take the TEAS test in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas.

ATI-TEAS testing

ATI-TEAS Version 7.0 entrance examination is available on-site at West Penn Hospital School of Nursing in the paper/pencil format only.

The following examination dates are available at West Penn Hospital School of Nursing: 

Saturday, April 8, 2023
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Monday, November 6, 2023

9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM

Prior to registering for one of the above on-site testing dates, prospective candidates must submit a paid application to the School of Nursing.

To schedule the ATI-TEAS examination at the West Penn of Nursing campus, please email, or call (412) 330-4766.

All applicants are required to pay a $75 examination fee. This fee must be paid prior to the scheduled examination. Repeat examinations on campus will require an additional $75.00 fee.

Note: Applicants may take the ATI-TEAS at another testing site. A copy of the TEAS results/transcript should be sent from the ATI website to the admissions office at West Penn Hospital School of Nursing. On the ATI website, select Share my Results and select the West Penn SON. Pay ATI an additional $27 fee to send.

Learn more about our admissions procedures.


ATI-TEAS test preparation

We highly recommend advanced preparation for the ATI-TEAS. We suggest purchasing the TEAS Study Guide or TEAS Online Practice Test.

Visit TEAS Products at ATI Testing for more information, current pricing, and to order. All prices are subject to change by the company. If you have any problem with this process, please call us for help at (412) 330-4766.


ATI registration and test ID number

Prior to attending the pre-admission ATI-TEAS test, applicants must open a free account with ATI (Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC) and obtain a personal ATI testing ID number.

Individuals should bring a printout or copy of the ID number to the pre-admission ATI-TEAS/ATI Fundamentals of Nursing test.

To create a free ATI account and testing ID number:

  • Go to and click on Create New Account.
  • Follow the screen prompts.
  • In the Institutions section, locate our school listed as West Penn SON.
  • After creating an ATI account, the personal ID will be displayed under Account Information. At this screen, be sure to print or copy the ATI ID paper/pencil number.
  • Keep this ATI paper/pencil ID number until notified by the School of Nursing regarding acceptance. If accepted, students will utilize this ID number throughout the nursing program.


ATI test day guidelines

  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior the start of the test. Those arriving after the exam has begun will not be permitted to take the test and they will need to reschedule.
  • Bring your paper/pencil ID number for the examination.
  • Bring a valid photo ID (driver’s license, U.S. passport, U.S. permanent citizen card, military ID). No other forms of ID will be accepted. Any ID that has expired will not be accepted. If proper ID is not available, the applicant will not be permitted to take the exam and will be required to reschedule.


Contact West Penn Hospital School of Nursing

Reach out today to learn more or to attend an information session.

ATI is a registered trademark of Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC, and is used with permission.