A premature baby being looked after by a nurse in the NICU.
If your baby is born prematurely or has a serious health problem, two AHN hospitals – West Penn in Pittsburgh and Saint Vincent in Erie – have Level 3 neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) for specialized critical care. Forbes, Jefferson, and Wexford hospitals have Level 2 NICUs for infants with medical needs who are not critically ill.

At all of our NICUs, specialized neonatal care teams give high-level medical care to the smallest and most fragile infants and encourage you to be as involved in your baby’s care as possible, too.

NICU services at Allegheny Health Network: Why choose us?

Our neonatal specialists at our Level 2 and Level 3 NICUs provide families with:

  • Depth of expertise: West Penn and Saint Vincent hospitals have 12 board-certified neonatologists (doctors who specialize in providing care to critically ill babies.) These doctors provide 24/7 care for high-risk deliveries and critically ill full-term and premature infants.
  • Fast hospital transfers: Our NICUs serve as regional referral centers, meaning we provide specialized care for infants throughout western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio. If you deliver at a hospital that isn’t able to handle your baby’s medical needs, our neonatal teams can safely and quickly transport your baby right to our NICU, sometimes by helicopter.
  • Virtual visits: Whenever you’re away from your baby, our NicView® program allows you to see live-stream video of your little one from your smartphone, laptop, or tablet. You’ll receive login info so only you and the family members you choose can see your baby.
  • Breastfeeding support: To boost immune systems, babies in our NICUs who weigh less than 3 pounds receive only breast milk. Our lactation consultants help new moms get the hang of breastfeeding and pumping. We can even supplement with donated breast milk to help meet your baby’s nutritional needs.
  • Infant apnea program: After discharge, some babies who spent time in the NICU may need temporary oxygen or breathing monitors at home. Our Infant Apnea Program will help coordinate any additional care or monitoring your baby may need at home.

NICU neonatal developmental program

While your baby is in the NICU, our neonatal developmental specialists work one-on-one with your family to promote bonding and show you how to best meet your baby’s needs. We guide you through feeding, swaddling, and skin-to-skin contact (kangaroo care), and help you prepare to bring your baby home.

After discharge, babies who are at risk for developmental delays receive ongoing care for up to two years at our NICU Neonatal Developmental Follow-Up Clinic. Our specialists monitor your infant’s growth and developmental progress, and connect you with resources like speech, occupational, and physical therapists. We even have a Cortical Visual Impairment clinic at West Penn Hospital to treat infants with potential vision problems.

A mother gently laying her newborn who is wrapped in blankets, own in the nursery.

Contact us

If we’re caring for your little one in one of our NICUs, you can call us directly to check in, anytime:

Forbes Hospital NICU
(412) 858-2704

Jefferson Hospital NICU
(412) 469-5473

Saint Vincent Hospital NICU
(814) 452-5853

West Penn Hospital NICU
(412) 578-5306

Wexford Hospital NICU
(878) 231-5330


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