Department of Pharmacy Management and Clinical Pharmacists 

West Penn and Forbes Hospitals

Jenifer Blasinsky, PharmD

Internal Medicine
B.S. Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy, Duquesne University
Residency in Hospital Pharmacy Practice, Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh

Carley Buchanan, PharmD, BCIDP

Infectious Diseases
Doctor of Pharmacy, Duquesne University
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, Allegheny General Hospital; PGY2 Infectious  Residency, Allegheny General Hospital

Jessica Butala, PharmD

Hospital Pharmacy Practice
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Michigan
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center - Mckeesport

Alexis Chapman, PharmD, BCOP

Doctor of Pharmacy, Duquesne University
PGY1 Pharmacy Residency, Forbes and West Penn Hospitals; PGY2 Oncology Residency, Allegheny General Hospital

Michael Corpman, PharmD, BCPS

Family Medicine
Doctor of Pharmacy, Ohio Northern University
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, Allegheny General Hospital

Emily Graham, PharmD, MS, BCOP

Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center – Presbyterian; PGY2 Oncology Residency, Allegheny General Hospital

Tiffany Guliano, PharmD, BCPS

Critical Care
Doctor of Pharmacy, Duquesne University
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, Allegheny General Hospital; PGY2 Critical Care Residency, Allegheny General Hospital

Chelsea Hudak, PharmD, BCPS

Ambulatory Care
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, Confluence Health – Central Washington Hospital

Chiara Huet, PharmD, CACP

Doctor of Pharmacy, Duquesne University

David Jordan, PharmD, BCPS

Ambulatory Care
Doctor of Pharmacy, Ohio Northern University
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, St. Rita’s Medical Center

Lindsay Kreutzer, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP

Trauma and Critical Care
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, Allegheny General Hospital

Samantha Maples, PharmD, BCOP

Hematology/Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplant
Doctor of Pharmacy, St Louis College of Pharmacy
PGY1 Pharmacy Residency, Via Christi Hospitals Wichita, Inc.; PGY2 Hematology/Oncology Residency, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Michael Namisnak, PharmD

Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh

Emily O’Brien, PharmD, BCPS

Heart Failure
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh
PGY1 Pharmacy Residency, St. Margaret Hospital, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center; PGY2 Geriatric Residency, St. Margaret Hospital, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Sorana Pisano, PharmD, BCOP

Hematology/Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplant
Doctor of Pharmacy, LECOM School of Pharmacy
PGY1 Pharmacy Residency, Sibley Memorial Hospital-Johns Hopkins Medicine; PGY2 Oncology Residency, The James Cancer Hospital-Ohio State University

Ann Salemi, PharmD, CACP

Hospital pharmacy practice
BS Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh
Doctor of Pharmacy, Medical College of Virginia

Nikki Verkleeren, PharmD, BCCCP

Critical Care
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, West Virginia University Hospitals

Jaime White Stetchock, PharmD, CACP

Emergency Medicine
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, Charleston Area Medical Center

Kiersten Williams, PharmD

Hematology/Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplant
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency – University of Kansas Health System;
PGY2 Oncology Residency – University of Kansas Health System

William Wilson, PharmD, BCIDP

Infectious Diseases
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center – Mercy; PGY2 Infectious Diseases Residency, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center – Presbyterian-Shadyside

Jennifer Wood, PharmD, BCPS

Internal Medicine/Surgery Point of Care
Doctor of Pharmacy, Duquesne University
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, Milton S. Hershey Penn State Health Medical Center

Daniel Leehan, PharmD

Hospital Pharmacy Practice
Doctor of Pharmacy, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
PGY1 Pharmacy Residency, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

Robert Simpson, PharmD

Doctor of Pharmacy, Duquesne University
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice, University Hospital of Cincinnati PGY2 Critical Care, University Hospital of Cincinnati

Gerald Taylor, PharmD

Ambulatory Care
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh
PGY1 Pharmacy Residency, Forbes and West Penn Hospitals

Lindsay Kozar, PharmD

Neonatal Intensive Care/Pediatrics
Doctor of Pharmacy, Duquesne University
PGY-1 Pediatric Pharmacy Residency, Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters

Alexandra Garrand, PharmD

Neonatal Intensive Care/Pediatrics
Doctor of Pharmacy, Duquesne University
PGY-1 Pediatric Pharmacy Residency, Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters